Friday 26th July
Our main challenge today was going up the sixteen locks of the Marple Flight. This has become moderately notorious recently, as it has been closed for nearly two years after one lock collapsed and had to be rebuilt, and then they discovered another one also needed to be rebuilt. That meant that the Cheshire Ring was cut for much of 2017 and all of 2018, and only reopened in May this year. This flight takes the canal up 208 feet to the summit pound, which is very long and runs 16 miles down past Macclesfield to Bosley, and 6 miles up to Whalley Bridge, all on the same level. At Bosley you start the descent to the Trent and Mersey and eventually down Heartbreak Hill to the Cheshire plain.
The spectacular Marple Aqueduct |
We had moored overnight only about half a mile from the start of the flight, but first we had to cross the Marple Aqueduct, a spectacular edifice about a hundred feet high, and dominated by an even higher railway viaduct. Apparently in the old days boatmen used to bury their horse in the valley below the aqueduct. Just after the crossing there was a narrow squeeze through between two walls which apparently used to be a short tunnel.
The remains of an old tunnel |
When we arrived at the Marple flight we were greeted by two CRT volunteers (vlokkies), and a third soon arrived. One of them came up the whole flight with us, which made a huge difference. I alternated with him - one of us would let Loulie out and close the gate and paddles behind her, while the other went forward to the next lock to empty and open it. That meant that Loulie never had to hang around waiting, while I didn't have to scramble to finish one lock and then run up to the next one. So we were moving as fast as possible, without getting too exhausted - the pace was set by the speed the locks filled up. One lock was very slow to fill, and Loulie eventually sounded her horn to tell us that she wasn't going up at all, but apart from that they were all very well maintained and well designed, which also made the experience that much better. Locks 15 and 11 were very clean and neat - those are the two which had to be rebuilt, so the weed hasn't had time to regrow. Apparently they had to take out each stone by hand, number and clean it. Then when they had built a new concrete foundation and retaining wall all the stones were put back in place - the locks are all listed "buildings".
The flight is also in a very attractive setting - it starts in a deep wooded valley, and slowly moves into the town, past a fine looking old warehouse, and winds up beside a row of terraced houses climbing up the hill.
Looking down Marple Flight from the top |
We reached the top in about two and a half hours, and moored for lunch, then I did a bit of shopping. The Macclesfield Canal sets off south from this point, but we intended to stick with the Peak Forest Canal right down to the end at Whalley Bridge. We made our way slowly for a mile or two, as the views became more spectacular ahead of us, looking into the lower reaches of the Peak District. The canal was also becoming more rural, with stone farmhouses on the steep slopes above and below us, and at one point I had to raise a bridge which allowed a farm track to cross the water. We were in no hurry, and about four we found a promising spot and moored on some Armco - there's a bit of a shelf but not too bad. We found out later that the towpath here is also a road or lane - it's tarmacked and just wide enough to get a car or van along, as happened to our surprise. Fortunately there have only been 2-3 vehicles along all night.
Progress to 26-7-19 |
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